Thursday, June 9, 2011


In the pool with Raffaelle

Chilling with Izzy

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Tiny Froggies!

I know they aren't of Willa, but I thought the frogs were fascinating, and so did Willa, so here you are:

USG Retreat at Camp Innabah, part 2: Canoeing!!!

I think these paddles are a bit to long for her.

Practicing paddling to make Poppy and Bubbie proud!

Trevor and Signe paddled us up and down the river- thanks guys!

Willa and Trevor wearing excellent hats.

USG Retreat at Camp Innabah, part 1:

Willa tries on Trevor's fancy hat.

This was the main play area at the camp.

Willa and her new friend Aria, holding hands.

Willa is learning to dress herself, but bottoms and tops tend to get mixed up!

Willa and her buddy Signe watching ping-pong.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Getting out and about.

High 5, Ilana!

Willa really likes the big concrete spheres by RTM.

Gardening in a diaper.

More adventures

Swinging with Daddy

Waterplay with Cousin Audrey

Willa examines Oma's chicks.

with Aunt Bonnie and Joe at Passover

Monday, May 16, 2011